Op-ed: Gallagher has betrayed NE Wisconsin’s working families
Rep. Mike Gallagher (WI — 8) has spent his two terms in Congress supporting anti-worker legislation and promoting Donald Trump’s agenda. Instead of fighting for northeast Wisconsin’s working families, he has cozied up to special interests and done the bidding of corporate titans. Voters in the 8th Congressional District deserve a representative who puts us first.
Gallagher has consistently voted against the interests of workers as a member of Congress. The AFL-CIO reports that Gallagher has only voted with the interests of workers on 11 percent of the bills during his time in Washington.
This year, Gallagher voted against unemployment benefits and testing during the COVID-19 pandemic. In November 2019, Gallagher voted against creating a standard that would prevent workplace violence against workers in healthcare and social services. In September of the same year, he voted in favor of allowing corporations to force employees and consumers to use arbitration rather than the courts to resolve disputes. In July 2019, he voted against a loan program that would stabilize pension funds and voted against a $15 per hour minimum wage. During the two prior years, Gallagher similarly voted against the interests of workers.
In terms of campaign fundraising, Gallagher has done very well. As of September 30, he has raised $2,880,177 for the 2020 cycle. Political Action Committees have shown their support for Gallagher by filling his campaign coffers with donations. CEOs from a wide variety of industries have made generous donations. Money has poured in from states outside of Wisconsin including California, New York, Florida, and Illinois.
The PACs and wealthy donors from out-of-state aren’t giving money to Gallagher’s campaign because he’s handsome and smiles nicely. They are doing it because they know he is fighting for them in Washington. He’s supposed to be working for us, but he has instead consistently cast votes that favor special interests, large corporations, and the richest one percent.
Earlier this year, as the COVID-19 outbreaks were ravaging local packing plants, Gallagher voiced support for President Donald Trump’s plan to keep the doors open at all costs rather than standing up to protect the packing plant workers and the surrounding communities. We deserve a representative in Washington who will fight to protect the health and safety of workers and promote public health measures that protect everyone.
Amanda Stuck has served three terms in the Wisconsin Assembly from the 57th District. During that time she earned a reputation for being an advocate for the people in her district. She understands the issues facing working people because she has faced many of the same struggles. She was a single mother who worked her way through college and graduate school. To this day she still works multiple part-time jobs in addition to her Assembly duties in order to help provide for her family.
Voters in the 8th Congressional District should vote for Stuck on November 3 because she will work hard for us and protect our interests in Washington. Northeast Wisconsin deserves a representative who will fight to make this area a great place to live and raise a family by supporting pro-worker legislation, protecting the environment, and crossing the aisle when necessary to find solutions to the problems facing all of us.
Jarrett Brown is a factory worker, activist, and voter who lives in Green Bay. He is an active member of the Democratic Party of Brown County.